How to Breastfeed

Hello! The next post is talk about Breastfeed.

Breastfeeding is a skill that needs to be learnt, and it can take time and practice to get the hang of it. To breastfeed successfully, every mother always think that she must sit when breastfeed. i just want to tell you it doesn't really matter where or how you sit or lie back. The important is that you are comfortable and can bring your baby to your breast easily. so, this article will help you to get your latching-on technique right. but, first you must check these question before you breasfeed
  • Are you comfortable? It’s worth getting comfortable before a feed. Remember when you feed to relax your shoulders and arms. 
  • Are your baby’s head and body in a straight line? If not, your baby might not be able to swallow easily.
  • Are you holding your baby close to you, facing your breast? Support their neck, shoulders and back. They should be able to tilt their head back and swallow easily, and shouldn’t have to reach out to feed.
  • Is your baby’s nose opposite your nipple? Your baby needs to get a big mouthful of breast from beneath the nipple. Placing your baby with their nose level with your nipple will encourage them to open their mouth wide and attach to the breast well.

First Step Breastfeed Position.

Sit or lie back so that your back is supported and you feel comfortable.
Raise your feet or your knees, if you need to.
If you are sitting up, you could use a pillow to take the weight of your baby at first, so your forearms aren't doing all the work.
If you're using a la
id-back position, use cushions or pillows to support your back and shoulders. Once you're comfortable, place your baby's tummy down on your chest and abdomen, and bring your knees up, so that your baby has a surface to push on with his feet. Your body will support your baby and allow him to adjust his position, bob his head, and find your breast.
If you are lying on your side, place pillows under your head. Lay your baby alongside you, with his tummy towards yours. Again, you could bend your knees so your baby can feel them with his feet.

for more example, you can look at the picture bellow :

 the next step is "The latch"
Look at these picture bellow 
Latch 1

Latch 2

Latch 3

Latch 4
How to know your baby is getting enough milk?
  1. Your baby will appear content and satisfied after most feeds.  
  2. They should be healthy and gaining weight after the first two weeks.  
  3. Your breasts and nipples should not be sore.  
  4. After the first few days, your baby should have at least six wet nappies a day.   
  5. After the first few days they should also pass at least two yellow stools every day
For the last, if you finished to breastfeed, remember to make your baby burp.
how to burp baby after breastfeeding?
Before you burp your baby, put a muslin square or an old towel over you. Many babies bring up a small amount of milk along with the air, which is perfectly normal.

Here are three methods of burping you can try:

On your chest

  • Hold your baby against your chest so her chin is resting on your shoulder.
  • Support her head and shoulders with your hand.
  • Gently rub or pat her back with your other hand.

Sitting on your lap

  • Sit your baby on your lap facing away from you.
  • Use one arm to support your baby's body, the palm of your hand supporting her chest while your fingers gently support her chin and jaw. Keep your fingers away from her throat.
  • Lean your baby slightly forwards and gently pat or rub her back for a while with your free hand.

Face down across your lap

  • Lie your baby face down on your legs, at a right angle to your body so she's lying across your knees.
  • Support your baby's chin and jaw with one hand.
  • Keep your baby's head slightly higher than the rest of her body, so blood doesn't rush to her head.
  • Rub or pat your baby's back gently with the other hand.

Talk or sing softly to your baby as you gently rub or pat her back. Hearing your voice will help her to relax.

If your baby hasn't burped after a couple of minutes, it probably means she doesn't need to. But if she seems obviously uncomfortable, keep trying, or swap to a different position.

sources :

How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding, How to burp baby after breastfeeding, how to latch, how to breastfeeding, how to get good position to breastfeeding,
